To create Google Adsense Account,you have to follow these simple steps:
- Visit Google Adsense Website,click on the sign up button.
- Then select yes,use your
- Enter your website/blog URL where you want ads to be displayed and then select your website content language.
- Carefully read the program policy before you check the button to avoid your being banned.
- Then Check “I have read and agree…”, and then press “Continue”
Now press “Submit my application” to finish with the registration.
After submitting the form,Google will review your blog/website and your registration.You have to wait for 2-3weeks to get your Adsense registration approved… or disapproved which will be sent to your email address.
Google AdSense issues its payouts each time you reach at least $100 or 70 euros.
I hope this tutorial will help you create a Google Adsense Account easily.
Please feel free to drop your comment below,if any question.
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